Welcome to Malta! Our journey through this beautiful archipelago will be a five-part series because it is impossible to cover the adventure and beauty of this country in one single story.
When Zach planned our long weekend stop in Malta between Zurich and Dublin, I'll admit my expectations were modest; I was enthusiastic for the ride off the grid and without knowledge of the country or culture.
What I love most about a destination like Malta is the proximity of city to city, sight to sight, and the possibility of it being what you want. The country is small, and the cities are vast, making it easy to visit without a strict itinerary. Cliffs, seaside views, coastal towns, sights, and ruins, the possibilities are endless in Malta.
Our first day in Malta was on the road, stopping everywhere and anywhere that caught our eyes. Our flight landed in Luqa, and we rented a car. Siġġiewi was our first stop, and Ħaġar Qim where we explored where you'll find cliffs and ancient ruins; we discovered and walked around Siggiewi along the way and ended up hiking the Dingli Cliffs to watch the sunset.