Welcome to the Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca! It is a perfectly outlandish destination that is out of this world.
Zach and I had just wrapped up Machu Picchu, and when I didn’t think it was possible for more adventure, it was. We traveled by train and car to get to Lake Titicaca, where we stayed at Titilaka. Our first impression of the Lake was our immediate adventure to the Uros Islands, also known as The Floating Islands.
The Uros Islands are quite literally floating on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca, right outside of Puno. We had the opportunity of a lifetime to visit the unique Uros village and experience their way of life. They gave us a tour of their homes and cooked us a traditional Uros meal. We learned about their traditions and crafts and spent time with the village.
The Uros people continue to practice and live life by their ancient culture. Their homes, boats, and islands are made of natural sources like reeds that grow along their shoreline. You can see the Chief picking the reeds from the water in my photos; the reeds also make for an easy snack!
What’s next? Getting to the Galápagos Islands, exploring Bali, the Aeolian Islands, sailing The Satori and SO much more.
Have you traveled to a place so remote you felt truly off the grid or on another planet?? And if you have experienced the Uros Islands, what was your impression? Please share in the comments below!
A few more photos...