"I think everything in life is art. How you dress, entertain, think, and live." Cindy O'Dare
"My purple duster makes me feel powerful, creative, and comforted at the same time." Lily O'Dare
Introducing Cindy and Lily O'Dare, the dynamic mother-daughter duo from Vero Beach, Florida. I have known Cindy and Lily since I was a young teenager, and each of them holds a special place in my heart. I've always adored Cindy's and Lily's refreshing outlook and perspective on life. They share an innate ability to see the world with wonder and possibility, and every interaction with them incites a touch of magic that leaves a lasting impression.

"Lexi was graduating from college and wasn't sure about what was next. I saw the artist in her and told her to pursue that." Cindy explains.
Born and raised in Miami, Cindy's journey brought her to the coastal haven of Vero Beach, which she and her family have called home for over thirty years now. Lily spent years working and living in Miami, New York City, and traveling all over the world before returning home to Vero Beach, following in her mother, Cindy's, footsteps in life and work. With a genuine love for real estate, Cindy and Lily are dedicated to helping others find their perfect paradise in Vero Beach. As Lily puts it, “Helping people find their forever home or next investment is something I simply love to do!”

Cindy and Lily are pillars of support and inspiration not just in my journey but also within their local communities and the lives of those around them. They simply make things brighter as they encourage each person in their path to embrace their sense of belonging. Their affection for Alexis Co. means so much to me and I consider Cindy and Lily collaborators in my creativity as they continuously support Alexis Co.
Tell us about meeting Lex...
Lily: Some of my earliest memories of Lexi are in school in Vero Beach, Florida. She was always kind and cool. I've been following Alexis Co. (formerly Lex & Lynne) since 2014.
Is there a memory you have made that is tied to your Alexis Co. dusters?
Cindy: When I wear my pink duster, people stop me and say it's beautiful and that it evokes a lot of love. Sometimes people tear up, they love it so much.
Lily: I remember modeling for Lexi wearing her Lex & Lynne designs and feeling so feminine. We shot various looks on the beach in Vero. Every piece was so unique and comfortable.

Do you travel in your Alexis Co.? If so we would love to hear about it!
Lily: I have loved traveling in my purple duster. Every time I wear it I am stopped and asked where did I get it and often times it promotes emotional responses from others and it reminds them of something nostalgic from their past.
What about Alexis Co. has you coming back each season?
Lily: Lexi is someone I admire greatly. She is so creative and has an eye for items that bring beautiful emotions. I feel grateful for our friendship for many reasons, but an added bonus is the art that she shares with the world and that I get to experience! She inspires me to be more creative and to always listen to my intuition.

Lily, you're holding a beautiful book, Quiet Revolution by Theo Wujcik. Can you please tell us more about it and why it is important to you?
This book is a collection of paintings by my uncle Theo Wujcik who was an incredible artist of our time. My aunt Sustan Johnson has helped to preserve, archive, and curate his beautiful pieces over the years. They are very unique, emotional, abstract pieces and I feel really lucky to have one at my home, and my mom does, too (Cindy is pictured in front of one of Theo's pieces). Between my mother's parents, and her sister and brother-in-law, art definitely runs in our blood!

What are you passionate about?
Cindy: I am passionate about art. I'm surrounded by it in my home and in my office. I grew up with artists. My parents were both painters. I've got several pieces in my home. I think everything in life is art. How you dress, entertain, think, and live.
Lily: I am passionate about the arts in our local community, our green spaces, and keeping our environment as natural as possible. I love animals and birds, especially owls. My dear family friend helps run Busch Wildlife Sanctuary in Jupiter, which is an amazing resource and organization that rehabilitates local animals and educates people of all ages on our local wildlife here in Florida. Our Indian River Lagoon and oceans are some of the most biodiverse and beautiful in the country. I am on the board of our local Ballet because, in my opinion, it is essential to a community to support the arts and any kind of local performances. From a young age, exposure to the Arts and imagination and creativity is incredibly important.
I am also passionate about our local real estate market. Helping people find their forever home or next investment is something I simply love to do! I love being on the O’Dare Boga Dobson team with ONE Sotheby’s and truly enjoy selling real estate in our gorgeous town.

Cindy, you're holding a book by Jimmy Buffet titled A Good Life All The Way. I know that you knew Jimmy Buffet and that you are mentioned in the book, can you share more about this with us?
I knew Jimmy for years and have credit lines on three of his albums. I learned how to make shrimp gumbo from him.
Cindy, can you please tell us a little bit about the film negatives? Where were you and who were you surrounded by? We would love to know more!
When I graduated high school I got a job cooking and cleaning for CSN (Crosby, Stills, & Nash) the rock band. It very quickly became a business called Home at Last. I took care of 120 rock bands from 1970 til 1988. We had several homes they would rent from us and we would make sure they had everything they needed to make a great album.
What is your newest piece in your Alexis Co. collection?
Lily: My purple crochet duster - my duster makes me feel powerful, creative, and comforted at the same time. My oldest pieces are beautiful wooden bead bracelets and necklaces.
Cindy: My pink duster with a custom sleeve.

Cindy is wearing the Nomad Duster and Lily is wearing the Purple Rain Duster. Both styles are currently available for special order; you can customize your sleeve and length.
Here is our current selection of dusters. If you would like to special order a duster, the lead time will be about 6 weeks.
{ Photography by Lex }