- Lauren Allik @ Fox Glacier in New Zealand! -
I have always heard that New Zealand was a beautiful place, but I never had discovered the immensity of this landscape until seeing it first hand.
- Photos by Lauren Allik -
Aside from the constant mountains in the background, divided by gushing waterfalls, winding rivers, and pastures full of sheep, the people and culture of New Zealand is beyond what I had ever imagined. The advantage of traveling on a bus through this country is being able to stop in the sleepy towns along the way that are barely on the map.
The country is marked by family owned cafes, legendary pubs, and a simplicity that I have never experienced in the places I have been in America. The people and landscape is very humbling.
Today we hiked up part of Fox Glacier outside of the small town of Franz Josef (population 330.) The hike took four hours and was one of the best experiences of my life. It is one of the only places where a rainforest and a glacier can thrive in one place. From deserts, to coral reefs, hot springs, and glaciers, I feel like I have seen everything.
Now the only thing left is sky diving if I gather the courage...
Follow @Lauren_Allik on Twitter and her personal blog Floating Vibes